Where Does Social Media Stand in 2016? The 5 Yardsticks! Social Media Simplify Where Does Social Media Stand in 2016? The 5 Yardsticks! Social Media Simplify

17 October, 2016

Where Does Social Media Stand in 2016? The 5 Yardsticks!

Social Media, in 2016, has reached a position just beyond the BEP (break even point) of its life cycle, particularly w/ the help of social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and a few new players in the OTT domain like SnapChat, WhatsApp etc.

Mankind has crossed a thousands of miles of development in terms of almost anything! Social media in its fullest of life is no different, surviving a tons of ups and downs till this time of 2016.

To gauge the advancement of social media in actual, we can definitely quote the following:

1. Facebook temporarily stopping the delivery for Ads in Thailand in order to respect Thailand's period of mourning for the death of the King, indicating a corporate maturity of FaceMash.

2. Twitter introducing night mode for all the Android users. Adds STICKERS to  all the photo uploads. Also the announcement to make itself accessible to visually impaired users.

3. Digg the forgotten social media platform's fight to return to existence with a news bot.

4. Facebook's instant translation availability in 44 languages and the incident of replacing all the Trending Caption Writers with bots (or better say firing those caption writers).

5. Social media becoming the most influential tool in the Presidential Election 2016..... again. Period!


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