Beginner's Guide to Foursquare - User Perspective [Slide] Social Media Simplify Beginner's Guide to Foursquare - User Perspective [Slide] Social Media Simplify


21 October, 2011

Beginner's Guide to Foursquare - User Perspective [Slide]

It's been almost 3 years (by the year 2011) that most of the blogs and sites are writing about geolocation based social media. The weird thing that amazes me is that very few of those blogs have tried to simplify the foursqure use. Most of the blogs would say and stress more on the point "What" from the user perspective rather than pitching the "How".

Within two years of its launch in March, 2009, Foursquare has topped the list of geo location based social media platforms, yet if you search the net for "how to use foursquare" you would find the complex verses only. So, in a small advent to present the simple version of how to use foursquare (from the user perspective) I am airing the presentation (slides) as below:

Foursquare for beginners
View more presentations from Syed M Raza


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